SFYBA Policies for 2024/2025
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Welcome to SFYBA! So that we may provide the highest quality ballet education, please read the following carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to address the office.
Dress Code
Pre Ballet (Age 3-5): Pink Leotard, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Slippers
Beginning-Ballet IV (Girls): Black Leotard, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Slippers
Boys: White T-shirt, Black Tights, White Socks, Black Ballet Slippers
Ballet V & up: Solid Dark Color Leotard, Pink Tights, Pink Pointe Shoes, Short Ballet Skirt
Contemporary & Character: Ballet class attire with bare feet, jazz shoes or character Shoes
ALL STUDENTS: Pink leg warmers and & studio sweatshirt or dance sweater are allowed in the cold winter months
HAIR: Girls’ hair MUST be worn in a ballet bun, completely off the face
Students will learn the most through consistent attendance. Regular attendance is necessary not only for the benefit of the student but for the class as a whole. If a student will be absent, please call the office in advance when possible.
Levels II - VI: Students must attend the required number of lessons per week to remain in the level in which they have been placed. (See tuition sheet for weekly requirements.) No tuition adjustments for missed lessons, students may make up missed lessons in a similar level. Make up lessons must be taken in the semester in which the class was missed, or in the following semester provided student is enrolled in regular lessons for that semester. NO TUITION CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON. **Students may make up any missed classes due to holidays or illness in any NON-FULL class. Please make arrangements with SFYBA office ahead of time.**
Students are expected to arrive 10 minutes early and be picked up promptly at the end of each lesson. Tardiness is extremely disruptive and disrespectful to the teacher and other students. Students who arrive later than 10 minutes after the start of a lesson will NOT BE ADMITTED for participation in that days lesson. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME.
Parents who arrive late to pick up students are subject to a fee. SFYBA does not provide any kind of childcare.
General Policies & Etiquette
1) Food and/or drink are not allowed in the studio at any time. (Water bottles are permissible)
2) Remain quiet in the viewing area while classes are in progress, due to limited space, viewing in Studio B is at the discretion of the instructor
3) No street shoes allowed on the dance floor
4) Respect all property of SFYBA
5) SFYBA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items
6) Check the white boards in the lobby every week for important school announcements
7) Keep the office informed of your most current email and remove SFYBA email from your spam filter
Calendar of Events
Please provide the office with your CURRENT email address. Email is the primary means for communication. Also, please check the white boards and bulletin board in the studio entrance weekly for important information regarding holidays, rehearsals, performances, etc.
TUITION IS NON-REFUNDABLE once the session has begun.
(Tuition will be refunded at 50% for withdrawal 10 days prior to the start of the session.)
Tuition is determined by the semester, see payments schedule on the next page. Enrollment at the beginning of a semester ensures your place for the entire semester. For scheduling purposes, to keep class size manageable, and for consistent and appropriate advancement, students are committed to pay for the entire semester. Pay the amount due for the LEVEL in which student is enrolled. Tuition will be pro-rated by month for students enrolling mid-semester. SFYBA will NOT pro-rate tuition by week for late enrollees. SFYBA will NOT pro-rate tuition for missed lessons. Students may make-up lessons missed due to holidays or illness in another class of a similar level. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up lessons missed. Make up lessons must be taken in the semester in which the class was missed, or in the following semester provided student is enrolled in regular lessons for that semester. NO TUITION CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON
A $40 registration fee is charged at the time of enrollment and every September thereafter.
A $50 late fee will be charged to any amounts not paid within 15 days of the payment due date.
Amounts not paid within 30 days risk being sent to collection.
$25 charge for returned checks.
Tuition rates are on the next page.
Liability Waiver
By signing the registration form I acknowledge the following: ballet is a physical activity, my child is in good physical health to participate, and I assume all risks of damage and injury that my child may incur due to participation, including those associated with the COVID pandemic; and I fully and completely RELEASE, AQUIT AND FOREVER DISCHARGE SFYBA and its respective principals, officers, directors, agents, insurers, employees, representatives, successors and assigns from any and all claims, actions and causes of action that I may have in the future of any nature whatsoever. I further agree to sole responsibility for any and all costs and expenses that I may suffer of any kind, and I will not sue or assert any such claim against SFYBA.
SFYBA as a private organization reserves the right to refuse service as it deems appropriate SFYBA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items